In Practice

Position statement on cannabis

Dan Joseph Stein, for the Executive Committee of the Central Drug Authority


There is an ongoing national debate around cannabis policy. This brief position statement by the Executive Committee of the Central Drug Authority
outlines some of the factors that have contributed to this debate, delineates reduction strategies, summarises the harms and benefits of
marijuana, and provides recommendations. These recommendations emphasise an integrated and evidence-based approach, the need for
resources to implement harm reduction strategies against continued and chronic use of alcohol and cannabis, and the potential value of a
focus on decriminalisation rather than the legalisation of cannabis.

Author's affiliations

Dan Joseph Stein, for the Executive Committee of the Central Drug Authority, Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, Soouth Africa

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Cannabis; Marijuana; Central Drug Authority; Harm reduction

Cite this article

South African Medical Journal 2016;106(6):569-570. DOI:10.7196/SAMJ.2016.v106i6.10863

Article History

Date submitted: 2016-04-03
Date published: 2016-05-16

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